Kirsty Salisbury - Podcaster, Author & End of Life Coach

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Five Signs That Someone Might Be About to Die

Can we tell when someone is going to die?  It’s an interesting question isn’t it... 

Well, I think the answer is yes, and that often there are signs that someone is going to pass away.

You see, as a person’s body fades and prepares to shut down, their spirit may also prepare for release from the physical world and their attachments. While everyone’s experience is unique and specific to their own life journey, there are common spiritual and emotional signs that may indicate a loved one is about to die.

These signals have been noted and recorded by those working in palliative care, hospices, hospitals, and by loved ones who have supported friends and family through the process of letting go.

Rather than focus on the physical aspects of dying, let’s explore some of the less talked about ‘pre-death experiences’.

5 Signs That People May Be About To Die

1 - Visions And Visitations

Commonly, those approaching death may talk about being visited by or talking to loved ones who have already passed away. You may witness them having conversations with beings or people you can’t see, or they may even see people or places that you can’t. They may discuss particular places, or objects, which seem to make no sense at all. However, regardless of your beliefs, it’s important not to try and argue or reason with those having this experience. To them, it’s VERY real. Instead, consider being open to discussing these experiences, and ask open-ended questions to help them process what they may have experienced.

2 - Out Of Character Statements Or Behaviour

Often, a loved one may spontaneously say or do something that seems very out of character. Don’t be surprised or alarmed if this happens. They may be ‘testing you’ to see if you are ready to let them go, or it may be a more physical step to preparing for their departure.

They may also start looking for specific travel items or speak in metaphors of an upcoming journey. For example, some train tickets, their suitcases, their passport or a driver's license. If someone hasn’t said a word in days, and suddenly starts looking for their hiking shoes or tide charts, you may near the very end of their time here.

3 - Becoming Restless Or Agitated

Often, people will hold on even when experiencing extreme pain and suffering. This may be due to unresolved issues or waiting to see someone significant one final time. They may wait for an event to take place, or someone to return from being away. In these cases, people can help their loved ones identify issues that may be present, and assist everyone in releasing any residual tension or fear to help them pass as they need to.

As a normal part of letting go, people nearing death may withdraw and not wish to communicate. It’s possible that they may only want to be around a small circle of people, or even just one specific person as their time approaches. If your loved one is unresponsive or in a comatose state, they are probably preparing to release and detach themselves from their surroundings and relationships.

4 - Talking of their death

Others may inherently know when they will die. They will talk about it in the days or weeks beforehand. Some out of the blue. There have been many stories of people talking about their imminent death, some even with no related illness or incident to connect to, and they have gone on to die just as they talked about.

5 - Reviewing Their Lives

As the physical body declines, I believe that spiritual activity increases. People may have realisations about life or spiritual lessons that they want to share with you, or share stories that you might never have heard before. This is an important part of tying up loose ends and completing unfinished business. Embrace the opportunity to share these insights and stories. It may even give you more insight into the kind of person they really are.

Remember This…

Hearing is often the last of the senses to go. So, even if a loved one is not able to communicate verbally before their death, they will still be able to hear and understand. But there are other ways that they can communicate. Take cues from their physical movements and subtle gestures, as these are often ways to understand what they need.

Your loved one may also be reluctant to let go as they are concerned about how you will cope with their passing. The greatest gift we can give them is reassurance and permission. Although it is hard to say goodbye, taking the time to say, “I love you and I release you,” is a powerful act that can help someone pass over peacefully.

Interested in knowing more about the whole experience of death or Near-Death Experiences? Then head on over and check out the other blogs on my website.