All tagged spirit

Edy Nathan

Edy Nathan is an expert in grief, trauma, and sexuality.  She has more than 20 years of experience as a psychotherapist and integrates her formal training with her on the ground experience to help people thrive.

Edy has helped many near death experiencers to process their experience, and to come to terms with the way in which these experiences affect every part of life. She also had her own near death experience whilst in utero, which she believes laid the foundation for her questions and spiritual abilities from early on in life.

Lesley Lupo

In 1988 Lesley Lupo was crushed by a stampede of horses whilst she worked on the ranch which was home to 130 horses. She remembers ‘popping’ out of her body, and watching as her body was dragged along the ground. Her colleagues performed CPR, which failed to revive her, and she lay motionless for up to 14 minutes. During this time, Lesley had an incredible near death experience before coming back to her body.