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Edward Salisbury & Cheryl Mackin

Brother Edward (Ed) Salisbury has had three Near Death Experiences - once from an auto accident, one from drowning and one on the operating table. Not only that, his partner - Cheryl Mackin, has also had three near death experiences - one as a baby, one from an auto accident, and one from drowning. They are absoloutly loving doing life together, and today we chat through their experiences, and how their circumstances led them to be together.

Lesley Lupo

In 1988 Lesley Lupo was crushed by a stampede of horses whilst she worked on the ranch which was home to 130 horses. She remembers ‘popping’ out of her body, and watching as her body was dragged along the ground. Her colleagues performed CPR, which failed to revive her, and she lay motionless for up to 14 minutes. During this time, Lesley had an incredible near death experience before coming back to her body.

Russell Ricks

At the age of 8 years old, Russell Ricks said an innocent child-like prayer.  He asked God to take him, and to spare him from the thralls of unjust and abusive treatment he was receiving from a First grade teacher and my peers at his school.  And when the answer came, it was a beautiful Near Death (Like) Experience.