All tagged heaven

The NDE of Mike Olsen

After being diagnosed with IPF in 2014, Mike Olsen spent 5 years on oxygen waiting for a lung transplant. During the operation, he bled out and experienced a profound out-of-body experience that briefly took him to heaven, where he met his organ donor.

Lesley Lupo

In 1988 Lesley Lupo was crushed by a stampede of horses whilst she worked on the ranch which was home to 130 horses. She remembers ‘popping’ out of her body, and watching as her body was dragged along the ground. Her colleagues performed CPR, which failed to revive her, and she lay motionless for up to 14 minutes. During this time, Lesley had an incredible near death experience before coming back to her body.

Dr. Nicole Gruel

At age 14, Dr. Nicole Gruel drowned and had a Near Death Experience. This experience was a turning point and led her to her mission to elevate the spiritual wellbeing of humanity. Her experience prompted her exploration of exceptional human experiences, and she now coaches people to create fulfilling and spiritually rich lives—inside and out. She has made it her life mission to help people who experience NOTEs (Non Ordinary Transcendent Experiences,) to transform the Way We Live, Love, and Lead.

Jeff Olsen

In 1997 Jeff Olsen and his family had a horrific automobile accident. An accident took the lives of his wife and youngest son, also inflicting multiple life-threatening injuries to Jeff, including the amputation of his left leg. Jeff has an exceptional story of resilience and recovery, and also of spiritual encounters he had over this time. Following the accident, Jeff had a Near Death Experience (NDE), an Out of Body Experience (OBE), and one of the Emergency room doctors had a Shared Death Experience (SDE) with Jeff’s wife just after the accident took her life.

Russell Ricks

At the age of 8 years old, Russell Ricks said an innocent child-like prayer.  He asked God to take him, and to spare him from the thralls of unjust and abusive treatment he was receiving from a First grade teacher and my peers at his school.  And when the answer came, it was a beautiful Near Death (Like) Experience.

Debora Christy Love

At 4 years old, Debora died during whilst getting her tonsils removed in hospital.  She remembers travelling through a tunnel to a bright light where she met other beings, experienced past lives, and visited some of the most beautiful natural surroundings. She talked directly to an ascended Master which has changed her life FOREVER. 

Peter Panagore

In 1980 Peter Panagore's life changed forever when he died on the side of a mountain in a climbing expedition.  In the time that he was gone, Peter experienced hell, forgiveness, heaven and unconditional love.  Peter's experience was so profound that it led him to gain his Masters Degree at Yale Divinity School.  Today, Peter broadcasts his daily Devotions TV offering inspirational encouragement, hope, and Light with interfaith reach, we emphasise God's Love for all people. 

Aimee Champion

In 2009, Aimee Champion had an NDE (Near Death Experience) during a major surgery which lasted 18 hours.  As Aimee's body struggled to cope with massive blood loss, she went on a journey to a different world entirely before returning back to her earthly body.  Today Aimee shares her experience and how it has helped her to live a purpose filled life.