All tagged Purpose

Jacob Cooper

Breathing is a gift that we often take for granted—until it’s taken away from us. It’s literally a life and death process. Jacob Cooper understands this all-too-well after suffocating from whooping cough, a respiratory tract infection that is fatal for infants.

At the young age of 3, Jacob’s body shut down from oxygen deprivation and he experienced an OBE (Out of Body Experience) that shaped his perspective of life and death. In this episode of the Let’s Talk Near Death podcast, Jacob shares his NDE, what he learned from the experience, and how this shaped his life path.

Carrie Kohan

Carrie Kohan is a two time Near Death Experiencer, having the first experience in 1992 and the second in 1993. Her second experience (the most profound one) is where she had conversations with who she refers to as the Creator and the Council of Men, and within these conversations received instructions on the Five Lessons of Life.

Virginia Phillips: Triumphing after Trauma

In 2012 Virginia Phillips survived a very traumatic car accident.  Seated behind the driver, a truck crashed into the side of their car where Virginia was sitting and unfortunately, she took a lot of the impact.  Her entire left side was crushed, including her hip, chest and lung, and she has been left with many long lasting effects.  Four years on from this devastating event, and after being diagnosed as 100% disabled, Virginia is using her experiences to help others.