All tagged God

Marjorie Aunos

Marjorie Aunos' entire life changed in a split second. Travelling from Montreal, the car Marjorie was travelling in slid, and she stared straight at death.

As her mind wandered between accepting death or holding onto life, she connected with a passed loved one, and chose the latter. But the impact of the tragic car accident left her with a Spinal Cord injury that changed her perspective of life—both physical and spiritual. Marjorie is now a psychologist, writer, speaker, and researcher majoring in parenting by persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities.

Brooke Jones

When Brooke Jones had an 8 minute Near Death Experience, she found herself asking for the answers to every question she could think of before returning back to her body. Once back, she set out on a quest to prove that her Near Death experience had actually happened. She got much more than she bargained for, including a fair share of challenges along the way.

Jeff Welsh

Jeff Welsh had a profound near death/out of body experience in 1981 following a high impact crash as the motorbike he was riding crashed into a pickup truck at over 80mph. He remembers looking down and watching the accident take place, before experiencing what he describes as the ‘presence of God’.

Janet Tarantino

Janet Tarantino had a mystical adventure when she suffocated to death due to an allergy. Her experience was both powerful and enlightening, where she saw God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, her guardian angel, and other spiritual beings. She was shown moments of her life that hadn’t happened yet, and was told to remember them as they mattered.

Heidi Craig

In 2004, Heidi Craig had an in-depth Near Death Experience after giving birth to her youngest son. She remembers being separated from her physical body, and being surrounded by multiple beings. She experienced a beautiful white light, and kept hearing 3 distinct messages.

Angie Fenimore

It was 1991, and after years of holding in the effects of traumatic childhood experiences, Angie Fenimore felt like she could not do life anymore. After a cocktail of medicines, she lay down on the couch, ready for death to come. But what she experienced was completely unexpected. She came up out of her body, before traveling to a place where she met with other ‘suiciders’. With audible thoughts, she traveled forward towards light before having a life review and returning back to her body.

Chris Batts

n September of 2012 Chris Batts jumped out of a moving car in an attempt to end his life. He was surprised to find himself outside of himself, looking down on his body as paramedics worked on him. He met with a man he calls ‘God’, as well as meeting his guardian angels, with whom he was given the choice as to whether to return to his body or not.

Sharon Muscet - Four Brushes with Death

Sharon Muscet has had 4 brushes with death, and spent close to 2 and a half years of her life in hospitals.  Each experience has resulted in major challenges in her life, and alongside feelings of heartbreak, rejection and loneliness, her experiences have taught her resilience, strength and independence.  Today, Sharon believes that anyone can have anything in their lives, and that there is a lighter side to death.

Aimee Champion

In 2009, Aimee Champion had an NDE (Near Death Experience) during a major surgery which lasted 18 hours.  As Aimee's body struggled to cope with massive blood loss, she went on a journey to a different world entirely before returning back to her earthly body.  Today Aimee shares her experience and how it has helped her to live a purpose filled life.