All tagged Angel

Asta Lander

Asta Lander has had many spiritual experiences, and has a strong connection to the angelic realm. It wasn't until later in her life did she piece together her experiences and realise that she likely had a Near Death Experience as a young child. She recalls seeing the people who would be impacted by her death and her overwhelming fear of 'eternity'. Asta's unique connection and abilities have led her to become an artist, drawing what she has termed 'elf angels'.

Lori Niell

Lori Niell is a three time Near Death Experiencer who has learned many things from her experiences, and received strong intuitive capacities following her experiences. Lori’s first experience was at age five, followed by the second at age eight, and the third one in her early twenties. As a result of these experiences, Lori went on to a career of nursing and helping others.

Felice DiMartino (Beth)

Felice DiMartino had a Near Death Experience in 20015 when she was hot by a large truck whilst crossing the street. Not only did she experience broken bones, bruises and a brain injury, but she travelled out of her body and into another realm entirely. Today, Felice talks about navigating a new normal, using tools to live with optimism and hope, and how she hopes that her story will help to inspire, comfort, heal, and encourage others. She shares her experience and also the information that was revealed to her.

Janet Tarantino

Janet Tarantino had a mystical adventure when she suffocated to death due to an allergy. Her experience was both powerful and enlightening, where she saw God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, her guardian angel, and other spiritual beings. She was shown moments of her life that hadn’t happened yet, and was told to remember them as they mattered.

Brad Nielsen

In 1990 Brad Nielsen had an incredible experience in which he left his body and travelled to multiple destinations.  He experienced darkness, then light, then he met with other beings and also family members.  His experience transformed him so significantly, that life has never been the same since.